1-A tree can stand up to a strong wind because it is ……and has long roots.
A) Comfortable B) impossible C) responsible D) flexible
2-Everyone should learn how to……you against the cold.
A) Produce B) guide
C) Protect D) succeed
3-it’s terribly cold .you need warm clothes to……you against the cold.
A) Discuss B) protect
C) Attack D) extend
4-By the way, does any body know that those……over there are?
A) Actions B) functions
C) Object D) sciences
5-he had to stop working because his………was in danger.
A) Action B) biology C) view D) health
6-according to…….regulations, individuals can’t take animals into markets.
A) Wise B) awful
C) Deep D) health
7-parents try to provide a\an……environment for children to grow up well.
A) Obvious B) healthy
C) Equal D) fashionable
8-she has such an/a ……nature that she cannot read a sad story to the end.
A) Ordinary B) absolute
C) Enormous D) emotional
9-Obviouslythe medicine has had a bad …… the patient.
A) Behavior B) condition
C) Effect D) influence
10-what is the ….. he gives for behaving so impolitely?
A) Opinion B) agreement
C) Reason D) argument
11-man's use of the earth has meant many parts of the world are faced with …..problems.
A) Attraction B) pollution
C) Situation D) transportation
12-when she opened her eyes, she saw a white …… standing by her bedside.
A) Object B) event
C) Member D) view
13-you must eat enough fresh fruit and vegetables to improve your….A) Capacity B) luck C) health D) region
14) weather young or old, the environment in which we work has a great….on us.A) Education B) effect C) emotion D) experience
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Wednesday, May 9, 2007
Did you know...
For every body who always are the best
تقديم به آنان كه هميشه بهترينند
تقديم به آنان كه هميشه بهترينند
Did you know that those who
appear to be very strong in heart, are real weak and most susceptible?
appear to be very strong in heart, are real weak and most susceptible?
آيا ميدانستيد آنهايي که از نظر
احساسي، بسيار قوي به نظر ميرسند در واقع بسيار ضعيف و شکننده هستند
احساسي، بسيار قوي به نظر ميرسند در واقع بسيار ضعيف و شکننده هستند
Did you know that those who spend their time protecting others are the ones that really need someone to protect them?
آیا ميدانستيد که آنهايي که زندگيشان را وقف مراقبت از
ديگران ميکنند خود به کسي براي
مراقبت نياز دارند
Did you know that the three most difficult things to say are:
I love you, Sorry and help me
آيا ميدانستيد که سه جمله اي که بيان آنها از همه جملات سخت تر است دوستت دارم متاسفم و به من کمک کن ميباشد
Did you know that those who dress in red are more confident in themselves?
آيا ميدانستيد که کساني که قرمز
ميپوشند از اعتماد بيشتري نسبت به خود بر خوردارند
Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?
آيا ميدانستيدکه کساني که زرد ميپوشند از زيبايي خود لذت ميبرند
Did you know that those who dress in black are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
و آيا ميدانستيد که کساني که لباس مشکي به تن ميکنند نميخواهند مورد توجه قرار گيرند ولي به کمک و درک شما نياز دارند؟
Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?
آيا ميدانستيد که زماني که به کسي کمک ميکنيد اثر آن دوبار به سوي شما بر ميگردد؟
ميپوشند از اعتماد بيشتري نسبت به خود بر خوردارند
Did you know that those who dress in yellow are those that enjoy their beauty?
آيا ميدانستيدکه کساني که زرد ميپوشند از زيبايي خود لذت ميبرند
Did you know that those who dress in black are those who want to be unnoticed and need your help and understanding?
و آيا ميدانستيد که کساني که لباس مشکي به تن ميکنند نميخواهند مورد توجه قرار گيرند ولي به کمک و درک شما نياز دارند؟
Did you know that when you help someone, the help is returned in two folds?
آيا ميدانستيد که زماني که به کسي کمک ميکنيد اثر آن دوبار به سوي شما بر ميگردد؟
Did you know that it's easier to say what you feel in writing than saying it to someone in the face? But did you know that it has more value when you say it to their face?
و آيا ميدانستيد که نوشتن احساسات بسيار آسانتر از رودرو بيان کردن آنهاست اما ارزش رودرو گفتن بسي بيشتراست
Did you know that if you ask for something in faith, your wishes are granted?
آيا ميدانستيد که اگر
چيزي رابا ايمان از خداوند بخواهيد به شما عطا خواهد شد
Did you know that you can make your dreams come true, like falling in love, becoming rich, staying healthy, if you ask for it by faith, and if you really knew, you'd be surprised by what you could do.
آيا ميدانستيد که شما ميتوانيد به روياهايتان جامه عمل بپوشانيد روياهايي مانند عشق
ثروت، سلامت اگر آنها رابا اعتقاد بخواهيد و اگر واقعا اين موضوع را ميدانستيد از
آنچه قادر به انجامش بوديد متعجب ميشديد
But don't believe everything I tell you, until you try it for yourself, if you know someone that is in need of something that I mentioned, and you know that you can help, you'll see that it will be returned in two-fold.
اما به آنچه من به شما ميگويم ايمان نياوريد تا زمانيکه
خودتان آنها را امتحان کنيد اگر شما بدانيد که کسي نياز به چيزي دارد که من گفتم و
بدانيد که ميتوانيد به او کمک کنيد متوجه خواهيد شد که آن چيز دوبار به سوي شما باز
خواهد گشت
خودتان آنها را امتحان کنيد اگر شما بدانيد که کسي نياز به چيزي دارد که من گفتم و
بدانيد که ميتوانيد به او کمک کنيد متوجه خواهيد شد که آن چيز دوبار به سوي شما باز
خواهد گشت
Today, the ball of FRIENDSHIP is in your court, send this to those who truly are your friends (including me if I am one). Also, do not feel bad if no one sends this back to you in the end, you'll find out that you'll get to keep the ball for other people want more...
امروز توپ دوستي درزمين شماست آن را براي کساني که به واقع دوستان شما هستند بفرستيد مانند من اگر يکي از آنها ميباشم، همچنين ناراحت نشويد اگر کسي آن رابراي شما بازپس نفرستاد شما خواهيد فهميد که بايد اين توپ را براي کساني که به آن نياز بيشتري دارند نگهداري کنيد
Ok, this is what you have to do...:
درسته اين کاريه که شما بايد انجام بديد...:
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آن رابراي همه دوستانتون بفرستيد
But you have to DO THIS within an hour after you open this mail!
اما بايد اين کار رو ظرف يک ساعت از زماني که اين پيک را
باز ميکنيد انجام بديد
باز ميکنيد انجام بديد
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